“My Bodies of the Year: Kim
Kardashian’s Instagram Moment and 12 Unsexy Months” was a very
thought-provoking article for me. In it, Wesley Morris discusses the role that
our bodies play in today’s culture and society. The main question that arises
from this piece is if bodies matter more today than they did in the past? I
believe that the answer to this question is that yes, they do. Today’s society
values physical appearance and beauty above almost everything else. Whether it
is a celebrity or just the average person, being healthy and looking good is
praised, while those who are not are looked down upon. In the past, I believe
there was a greater emphasize on someone’s personality and character, rather
than solely on appearance. In Morris’ article, he brings up that one of the few
films this year that didn’t focus on someone’s body was Her. Rather, Scarlett Johansson portrayed the main character’s
dream woman, even though she was artificial intelligence. Joaquin Phoenix’s
character finds true love because he wants someone with an excellent
personality, instead of someone who is just physically appealing.
film industry was not alone in emphasizing the importance of bodies in today’s
culture. The music industry also plays a huge role. When looking back on this
year, one person automatically pops into my mind when thinking of drastic
changes to their body and appearance, Miley Cyrus. Miley Cyrus went from being
a childhood superstar to a typical pop singer, and then suddenly completely altered
her look. She dyed her hair blonde, cut it very short, and began to twerk on
stage. She also began to release risqué music videos, including “Wrecking Ball”
where she swings on a wrecking ball completely nude. In return, she received
massive media attention and her music career prospered even more. It wasn’t
necessarily the music that she released that people were captivated by, rather
it was the way she began to portray her body.

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